Meet Clove! She is an F1 Standard Goldendoodle. She is an outgoing, affectionate little girl who can’t wait to join your family!
Her mother, Selah, is a friendly and affectionate 60 lb Golden Retriever. Her father, Pierre, is a gentle 45 lb Moyen-sized Poodle.
Clove has been raised in our home and has received much love and care. She is vet-checked, up to date on her vaccines, and has a one-year genetic health guarantee. She has been litter box trained, which helps her learn where it is and is not appropriate to go. We will send her home with a bag full of goodies which will include a 4 lb. bag of puppy food, training treats, a toy, and a blanket that smells like home.
We offer transportation services upon request.
If you would like to meet Clove we would be happy to schedule a video call with you!
Breed: Goldendoodle
Sex: Female
Size: Medium
Birth Date: Nov 8, 2023
Date Available: Jan 03, 2024